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Thursday, March 10, 2011

I know this is old news but....

"no, no I know Portia de Rossi did a fine reading of Carrie, and I know she is beautiful, but hear me out guys...."

so I guess our parents were right all along. you can do anything if you put your mind to it. or if you sleep with the right person? How this person ended up on a hit HBO ?!?!?!?!?! I am not one to make fun of things people can't help - but lets face it - hollywood is shallow - I mean Angelina Jolie isn't getting all these roles for her acting - ya know what I mean?
I know this topic isn't anything new - and poor SJP has been dragged through the mud - but I seriously do not get it.  I DO NOT GET IT. the person who pitched her to the executives must be one amazing salesperson. id like to shake his hand.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Buy this now part III

Ever had a MINX manicure? amazing. but sooooo $$$$ Sally Hansen has saved us girls once again by introducing Salon Effects. Salon Effects is basically MINX DIY. I bought a pack for $10 at walmart. Easy to use and looks just like MINX! Do yourself a favor and buy it now.

R.I.P. Cap n' crunch

The Quaker Oats Gods have taken one of our best today. Rest in peace dear Cap N'. You gave me delicious crunch berries, and in return only took chunks of the roof of my mouth. Even trade if you ask me. I know you will be forever sailing now in that giant boat in the sky.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

um.... two please!

Girls just wanna have fun

 I've always thought Cyndi Lauper was rad. I was in love with her album cover for "She's so unusual".

And I  always dreamed of growing up to be a funky girl of my own and rocking these shoes. (yes you can begin a sentence with the word AND.

And if you would have asked me what I believed NY to be like when I was ten, an image of the three above pictures would come to mind. But I am getting off track here...


back to the point. Cyndi Lauper is a bad ass. Recently she was in an airport where there were multiple cancellations - people were upset and tensions were running high. Whats a spunky gal to do? well take a look for yourself....

What a cool cat.

We all love Banksy

Enjoy this Banksy Simpsons intro

Friday, March 4, 2011

The 8th wonder of the world

                                                                      "Why yes, I do have plans this Saturday night."

While some of us (ahem) are happy that their plants just do not die, others such as Maria Rodrigues de Aguiar Farias of Brazil are blessed with amazing from g_d himself, phallic fruit. Maria charges $2 to see the fruit, $15 to take a picture and $20 for video. All proceeds go towards a new set of dentures for Maria. Ok, ok I am kidding about the last part. Hell, if I had a fruit that big growing in my backyard I'd take out my teeth too, ya know, for the practice!