Before Damien, before The Orphan there was Mervyn LeRoys 1956 shocker The Bad Seed. Normally it is hard for me to get into old black and white films, due mostly because of the bad over acting. I must admit I did have this on in the background for a good 40 or minutes before I shut my laptop and started really paying attention. The Bad Seed stars Patty McCormack as the nine year old picture of perfection Rhoda Penmark. Rhoda is a living doll of sorts, saying crap to her parents like "What would you do if I gave you a basket of kisses"? to which they reply "I'd give you a basket of hugs". This is the stuff that keeps me away from most old black and whites. That jargon aside, stuff starts getting watchable when people begin to cross Rhoda's perfect curls, dress wearin' side. Bitch don't play. What we get to witness is the budding of a sociopath and serial killer. We are faced as the viewer to answer the questions of what we would do if our flesh and blood began snuffing out the neighbors. The actresses who played the mothers of Rhoda and one of her victims do a brilliant portrayal of what I can only imagine would be the downward spiral one would go down when put in their respective situations. Is Rhoda's behavior due to her upbringing? Hard to imagine when she is saying shit like "basket of kisses" to her parents, is it in her DNA? A natural born killer? Also seems unlikely when gramps is comin' around looking like he stepped right outta a Norman Rockwell. Well what gives? Well, you gotta make it a blockbuster night and find out.
p.s. cant stand black and white either? Word on the street is that Eli Roth is doing a remake on this.
This movie gets 3.5 out of 5 dancing MJ's. (pretend there is a half of a dancing MJ)