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Saturday, February 5, 2011

up in the air

ok, so maybe im not jet setting the country firing people, but I am sharing the same hotel life as George Clooney. I am booked at a Holiday Inn Select for job training for 19 days. 19 days. That is a bit of time to be away from "home". But home, I am learning, or should I say feeling, is really where ever I sleep. Where ever I feel comfortable. I like this hotel life. When I get home from a tiresome day of training, my bed is always made for me. My magazines and books that I have carelessly tossed on the table have been stacked and straightened. Someone is breaking in just to clean. It doesn't feel invasive, it feels sweet. If I am hungry, I go downstairs to enjoy the complementary buffet my company has paid for. If I am feeling like something more extravagant, I walk to one of the many restaurants in the vicinity and order like i'm loaded. I get a per diem, so why not? Yes, I like this. The best part? Booking it back to my room and putting up the privacy please sign. A polite and accepted way I am allowed to say "fuck off" around these parts. I've had enough of you, I am going back to my room that was cleaned by an anonymous face, a ghost perhaps.

I am staying on the 5th floor. I peer down to the bar sometimes and get to see the myriad of guests. Other airline employees, retirees and random travelers. The jargon on their bag tags are no longer jargon. I can decode them and know where they have traveled from and where their final destination is. Funny how you have no idea how much people can tell about you sometimes.

Being away from home for so long also gives amazing perspective on relationships. Or lack thereof. Sometimes you really need to step away from your chaotic figure 8 loop that you have been stuck on. Only then you can realize there was an exit you could have taken long ago. This job is going to put me in the doorway to endless cities. The amount of people from around the world I am going to meet excites me. This is a new beginning for your heroine. 

All that is going to come to realization in time. But for now the "privacy please" sign goes back up.

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